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April 02, 2021

The calculator problems require us to evaluate an arithmetic expression given in a string.

For example:

Input: s = "(2+6*3+5-(3*14/7+2)*5)+3"
Output: -12

Spaces, brackets, ++ -.


Spaces, no brackets, ++ - ×\times ÷\div.


No spaces, brackets, ++ - ×\times ÷\div.

The Reverse Polish Notation helps us solve all of these problems.

Reverse Polish Notation

In reverse Polish notation (a.k.a. postfix notation), the operators follow their operands.

infix notationa+b×cdpostfix notationa b c×d + \begin{array}{rcc} \text{infix notation} & a + b \times c - d \\ \text{postfix notation} & a \ b \ c \times d \ + \ - \\ \end{array}

Evaluating RPN with an operand stack is straightforward.


Valid operators are +, -, *, and /. Each operand may be an integer or another expression.


Input: tokens = ["2","1","+","3","*"]
Output: 9
Explanation: ((2 + 1) * 3) = 9


fun evalRPN(tokens: Array<String>): Int {
  val operands = Stack<Int>()
  for (s in tokens) {
    val i = s.toIntOrNull()
    if (i != null) {
      operands.push(i); continue
    with(operands) {
      when (s) {
        "+" -> push(pop() + pop())
        "-" -> push(pop().let { pop() - it })
        "*" -> push(pop() * pop())
        "/" -> push(pop().let { pop() / it })
        else -> TODO()
  return operands.pop()

How do we convert from infix notation to RPN?

Dijkstra’s Shunting-yard Algorithm

Wikipedia: Shunting-yard algorithm

Intuitively, since operators come last in RPN, we need to stash them in a stack. In contrast, when evaluating an RPN, we stash the operands.

Iterate over the input, for every character c:

  • If it’s an operand (numbers), add it to the output.
  • If it’s an operator (++, -, etc.), pop all the operators with greater precedence than c off the stack and add them to the output. Then add c to the output.

Last, pop the remaining operator off the stack.

The algorithm was invented by Edsger Dijkstra. He named it “shunting yard” algorithm because its operation resembles that of a railroad shunting yard.

It’s helpful to keep the following picture in mind, and the code is not too hard to write.

InputOutputOperator stackA+B×CInputOutputOperator stackA+B×CInputOutputOperator stackA+B×CInputOutputOperator stackA+B×CInputOutputOperator stackA+B×Ca)b)c)d)e)DDDDDInputOutputOperator stackAB×Ch)+DInputOutputOperator stackA+B×Cj)DInputOutputOperator stackA+B×Cf)DInputOutputOperator stackA+B×Ci)DInputOutputOperator stackA+B×Cg)D
Shunting-yard Algorithm trace for A + B * C - D
val Char.weight
  get() = when (this) {
    '+' -> 1
    '-' -> 1
    '*' -> 2
    '/' -> 2
    else -> TODO()

fun shuntingYard(string: String): String {
  val ret = StringBuilder()
  val operators = Stack<Char>()

  for (c in string.toCharArray()) {
    if (c.isLetter()) {
    } else {
      while (
        && operators.peek().weight >= c.weight
      ) ret.append(operators.pop())


  while (!operators.isEmpty())

  return ret.toString()

fun main() {
  shuntingYard("a+b*c-d") // "abc*+d-"

Infix to Postfix Conversion also provides a step-by-step trace of the algorithm.

Handling brackets

1×(2+3)1 \times \textcolor{#EC407A}{(}2 + 3\textcolor{#EC407A}{)}

To handle brackets:

  • Push the opening bracket ( to the operator stack.
  • When we encounter a closing bracket ), keep popping the operators in the stack until we find the matching (.
  • We are done with this pair of brackets. Pop the ( off the stack.
fun shuntingYardWithBrackets(string: String): String {
  val ret = StringBuilder()
  val ops = Stack<Char>()

  for (c in string.toCharArray()) {
    when {
      c.isLetter() -> ret.append(c)
      c == '(' -> ops.push(c)      c == ')' -> {        while (ops.peek() != '(') ret.append(ops.pop())        ops.pop()      }
      else -> {
        while (!ops.isEmpty() && ops.peek().weight >= c.weight) {

  while (!ops.isEmpty()) ret.append(ops.pop())

  return ret.toString()

val Char.weight
  get() = when (this) {
    '+' -> 1
    '-' -> 1
    // Set to a small value, so other operators
    // won't pop `(` off the stack.
    // Only the matching `)` can do so.
    '(' -> 0    else -> TODO()

Two things to note about the opening bracket (:

  • It shouldn’t engage with previous operators (i.e. pop off other operators), so we handle it in a separate case.
  • Other operators shouldn’t pop it off the stack. Only the closing brackets ) can. So we set its weight to a smaller value.

Handling unary operators

Our current code cannot handle unary operators, because when evaluating RPN, we always assume there are two operands.


We can accommodate the unary operators - and ++ by prefixing them with a zero. Notice they can only appear:

  • at the beginning of the expression, or
  • after an opening bracket (.
fun toRPN(s: String): List<Any> {
  val ret = mutableListOf<Any>()
  val ops = Stack<Char>();

  var i = 0
  // The first char could be an unary operator.
  var checkUnary = true  while (i < s.length) {
    val c = s[i]
    if (checkUnary) {
      if (c == '-' || c == '+') ret += 0      checkUnary = false    }
    // The following char could be a unary operator.
    if (c == '(') checkUnary = true    /* ommitted */
  while (!ops.isEmpty()) ret += ops.pop()
  return ret


To parse numbers with multiple digits, we can use this idiom:

var n = 0
string.toCharArray().forEach { c: Char ->
  n = 10 * n + (c - '0')}

There is a question for exactly this operation.


Atoi is a C library function that converts an ASCII string to an integer.

This problem asks to implement the atoi function. Most of the code deals with edge cases like leading whitespaces and integer overflows. The string to integer idiom is highlighted.

public int myAtoi(String s) {
  if (s.equals("")) return 0;
  int sign = 1;
  int ret = 0;
  int i = 0;

  // Ignore leading whitespace.
  while (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == ' ') i++;

  // Handle sign.
  if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '+') {
  } else if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '-') {
    sign = -1;

  for (; i < s.length(); i++) {
    char c = s.charAt(i);
    if (!Character.isDigit(c)) break;
    // Handle overflow.
    if (
        ret > Integer.MAX_VALUE / 10  ||
        (ret == Integer.MAX_VALUE / 10
        && c - '0' > Integer.MAX_VALUE % 10)
    ) {
        return sign == 1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    ret = ret * 10 + (c - '0');  }

  return sign * ret;

Complete code

We can combine these building blocks to write our solution for the calculator problems.

fun calculate(s: String): Int {
  val exp: List<Any> = toRPN(s)
  val operands = Stack<Int>()
  with(operands) {
    for (c in exp) {
      if (c is Int) {
      when (c) {
        '+' -> push(pop() + pop())
        '-' -> push(pop().let { pop() - it })
        '*' -> push(pop() * pop())
        '/' -> push(pop().let { pop() / it })
  return operands.pop()

val Char.weight get() = when(this) {
  '+' -> 1
  '-' -> 1
  '*' -> 2
  '/' -> 2
  '(' -> 0
  else -> TODO()

fun toRPN(s: String): List<Any> {
  val ret = mutableListOf<Any>()
  val ops = Stack<Char>();

  var i = 0
  while (i < s.length) {
    val c = s[i]
    if (c.isDigit()) {
      var n = c - '0'
      while (++i < s.length && s[i].isDigit()) {
        n = 10 * n + (s[i] - '0')
      ret += n

    when {
      c == ' ' -> { }
      c == '(' -> ops.push(c)
      c == ')' -> {
        while (ops.peek() != '(') ret += ops.pop()
      c.isDigit() -> ret += c
      else -> {
        while (!ops.isEmpty() && ops.peek().weight >= c.weight) {
          ret += ops.pop()

  while (!ops.isEmpty()) ret += ops.pop()
  return ret

Interpreter Pattern



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